
Introducing eTV’s new video annotation service, EVA

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eva-logo-print_001When the people at eTV learned that the video annotation ZAPTION service that had been integrated into theirs was closing, there was only one thing for it.

“Realising how powerful being able to add interactive content to videos is for teaching and student engagement, we decided to build our own,” said eTV General manager Gresham Bradley. “Now EVA, eTV’s Enhanced Video Annotation service, is here.”

EVA offers 13 different types of interactions which pop up while the viewer watches the video:

  • Five no-response tools – Labels, Text, Tables, Links, and Images, facilitate differentiated learning by adding in-depth information directly onto the video that the viewer can interact with during playback.
  • Eight response-enabled tools – Summary Statements, Multiple Choice, Single Choice, Fill in the Blanks, Drag & Drop Words, Mark the Words, Drag Text, and Go To Question, create fully interactive quizzes and puzzles for learners to solve at any given time in the video. The responses to these questions are then available to the creator of the EVA, and analytics created for further analysis and assessment.

“To help people get to know how EVA works, using the interactive creation tools and response data will be completely FREE until February 2017,” added Bradley. “Thereafter, all users will be able to create, interact and view EVAs for free, but a modest per teacher and student subscription will be required to access the data created by users entering answers into EVA’s quizzes and question-based interactions.

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